The Region 1 Pokemon DVDs are terrible and yet nobody cares | Page 3
Rex Kamex said:
I think having movies in widescreen and having the colors look normal (that is, without oversaturated colors, or a blue tint on the picture that makes things somewhat darker) are really basic things that should be expected of DVD releases.
"Cropped to 4:3" was a stupid practice in the first place but it makes even less sense now because everybody has widescreen TVs. That crappy video transfer of the second movie that filled up your old Clinton-era TV set has black bars on both sides of the screen on your brand new HD TV. It's not "fullscreen" anymore.
I was fine with that 4:3 thing being an option for movies (when they were released all those years ago), but to have had that as an only choice meant that the one choice you'd have doesn't allow you to see the whole picture.
But yeah, if certain movies are still only available in 4:3 "full-screen", and you have a widescreen TV.... yeah, that's a good point.