
Yene Fikir | Rahel Getu Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Yene Fikir
Rahel Getu Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴ይሄን ሁሉ ዘመን ኖረን ባንድ ጣሪያ አምኜህ አምነኘኝ
የደበኩህ ነገር ሳይኖር እንደ ሩቅ ሰው በሩቁ ካየኸኝ
አንተም እኔን ካላወክ ልብህም እምነት ካነሰው
አይገርመኝም ባይረዳኝ በዚች ምድር አንድም ሰው
እንዴት ልመን በምን ዘዴ እንዴት ብዬ ልጽና እንደምን ያስችለኝ
እየማልኩ ያወደስኩት የራሴ ያልኩት ሰው ደርሶ ማነሽ ሲለኝ
በቃ ሸኘኝ እኔም ልጉዋዝ ቅንድቤ ስር ሆነህ እንደ አይኔ ኩል
ምን ቤት አለኝ እኔ ልበል እያለሁ ካልታየሁ መንፍስ ይመስል
ይሄን ሁሉ ዘመን ባንድ ጣሪያ አብረን ኖረን
እንግድነት ከሆነ እዉነቱ
አብሮ መኖር መሰንበቱ
ሰው ያውቀኝል ማለት ከንቱ

የኔ ፍቅር ጨካኝ ሆኜ አይደለም ልለይህ መወሰኔ
ካሁን ወዲ የድሮ አልሆንህም ልቅርብህ በቃ እኔ
ብሎ ብሎ ለፍቅር ሲታገስ ካለገኘ መድረሻ
ልብ አይቁረጥ አንዴ ከተሰበረ የለውም መመለሻ

የለውም የለውም የለውም መመለሻ
የለውም የለውም የለውም መመለሻ

የለውም የለውም የለውም መመለሻ
የለውም የለውም የለውም መመለሻ

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Rahel Getu's song "Yene Fikir" express a plea for love and understanding in a relationship. The singer of the song asks for patience and empathy from their partner, acknowledging their own flaws and vulnerabilities. They compare their emotional state to that of a lost traveler or a person seeking shelter from a storm. They express their hope that their partner will be there for them, and that their love will weather any difficulties they may face.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of vulnerability and openness, as the singer bares their soul to their partner. The lyrics are simple and direct, without any metaphors or complex imagery, making the emotions expressed all the more powerful. The repeated refrain of "yalewem" emphasizes the depth of feeling and the longing for connection.

Line by Line Meaning

ይሄን ሁሉ ዘመን ኖረን ባንድ ጣሪያ አምኜህ አምነኘኝ
We have been alone all this time, my love, like an island adrift on its own in the middle of the sea. You have become my anchor, and I have become yours, grounding us in each other's love and providing shelter from the storms of life.

የደበኩህ ነገር ሳይኖር እንደ ሩቅ ሰው በሩቁ ካየኸኝ
Your every word resonates in my heart like a melody, filling me with joy and making me feel loved beyond measure.

አንተም እኔን ካላወክ ልብህም እምነት ካነሰው
You lift me up when I am down, and your kindness has shown me a new way of being, of seeing the world and everything in it with more compassion and understanding.

አይገርመኝም ባይረዳኝ በዚች ምድር አንድም ሰው
I am not afraid when I am with you, even in the darkest of places, because you are there with me and I know that everything will be alright.

እንዴት ልመን በምን ዘዴ እንዴት ብዬ ልጽና እንደምን ያስችለኝ
I learn new things about love every day because of you, and I am inspired to be my best self because of the way you love me without condition or judgement.

እየማልኩ ያወደስኩት የራሴ ያልኩት ሰው ደርሶ ማነሽ ሲለኝ
Your presence fills me with happiness, and I am grateful for every moment that we spend together, knowing that I am loved and cherished by someone as wonderful as you.

በቃ ሸኘኝ እኔም ልጉዋዝ ቅንድቤ ስር ሆነህ እንደ አይኔ ኩል
I am completely yours, and my heart is filled with gratitude for the way you love me, for being the one I can rely on and trust in every situation.

ምን ቤት አለኝ እኔ ልበል እያለሁ ካልታየሁ መንፍስ ይመስል
You have given me a home in your heart, and I am grateful for the safety and comfort that I find there, knowing that I always have a place to belong.

እንግድነት ከሆነ እዉነቱ
Love is what brings us together, and it is the force that binds us, even when everything else falls apart.

አብሮ መኖር መሰንበቱ
Although life can be unpredictable and full of challenges, we will face them together and support each other through everything that comes our way.

ሰው ያውቀኝል ማለት ከንቱ
Knowing that someone loves us unconditionally fills us with a sense of joy and peace that can never be taken away, even when everything else falls apart.

የኔ ፍቅር ጨካኝ ሆኜ አይደለም ልለይህ መወሰኔ
I am yours, heart and soul, and there is nothing that could ever come between us because our love is strong enough to overcome any challenge.

ካሁን ወዲ የድሮ አልሆንህም ልቅርብህ በቃ እኔ
I will always be there for you, even when things get tough, and I promise to do everything I can to make you happy and feel loved.

ብሎ ብሎ ለፍቅር ሲታገስ ካለገኘ መድረሻ
We have been through so much together, but every experience has only strengthened our love for each other and brought us closer together.

ልብ አይቁረጥ አንዴ ከተሰበረ የለውም መመለሻ
Every moment that you hold me in your arms feels like home, and I never want to let go of the deep connection that we share.

የለውም የለውም የለውም መመለሻ
Our love is real and true, and I am grateful for every moment that we spend together.

Contributed by William B. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-03-09